Blaze Soares Chat
Over at the Warrior Beat right now. UPDATE: All done. Here's an excerpt:
Comment from: Blaze [Member]And you can't watch this too many times:He says Hawaii hands down, led by yourself and Adam Leonard, have by the far the best linebacking corp in the WAC, do you agree...?Personally I feel that way, yeah, even though there are a lot of great linebackers in the WAC. We have Solomon, who has three years under his belt as a starter, and Adam, who has two. What more can you ask for.
03/11/08 @ 09:49
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 10:36:00 AM HST,
Anonymous said…
Hi good morning ( or afternoon) in your case, whoa Blaze he Amaze! Tell chawancut he is awesome but no take me too seriously cause I just joking, eh I do not know Al but tell him if I see him I going slap his head j/k nah he is funny and chawancut, u lucky I like you and Tombo so much or else I would titah OUT....hehehe LMAO! Have a great day and cya l8rs. xoxox
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 10:37:00 AM HST,
Kahala Del Rey said…
say hi to kaimuki boy and fuzzylogic 2. luv ya all!
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 12:32:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
wats ya numba wildwahine? I like make fresh poi and lau lau with like da kine?;)
hea my numba, give da bruddah a call: # (808) 358-3910
Hope to go on blind date...Braze no invited...haha. Blaze is kool.
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 2:30:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
Tombo - awesome stuff!
ww - howzit. Luv U back ti'ta.
wm - U crack my ribs. Didn't know this stay one dating blog.
Gotta luv Blaze da terminator. Can wait to read his chat.
Just stay in da office now, cuz flew to Kona for work. But, scored Kona Chips from da factory. They broke da mouth!
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 3:13:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
If U read the comment on Tombo's morning post, it no stay me. I stay in Kona at 7:50am driving. The impostor had dawn patrol shrivelled ala's to use my name, and false crack Hanohano.
At Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 3:54:00 PM HST,
Tombo Ahi said…
kb, i deleted that doo doo comment from the last post.
At Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 1:33:00 AM HST,
Anonymous said…
whoa.....I was wondering so many comments tonite? or this morning, wow, dating blog? That's something new wat we going call plays all nite? Hey WildMenehune? You foa real or what or is that you Al? Eh Kaimuki boy, who was dat? Not nice for use your name.....wrong.
LUV YA BOTH! dating blog haha.
eh I no like everybody call me, call Tombo or write him he knows me. If you can get pass him......haha bye bye......cya!
At Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 10:07:00 AM HST,
Anonymous said…
Tanks again Tombo! U da Hawaiian Supah bogger! I vote for U for my made up award. :(- That's the wise Fu-man-chu symbol.
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