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Monday, November 26, 2007

Chawan Cut's Works of Art

I've said before that Chawan Cut is a crazy UH fan. Truly crazy. And now we have proof. First, you need to know that he's also into legos. Here's a closeup of his new creation:

Anything look vaguely familiar? Let's zoom out a little more...

Awww man, is that a face? I've seen it somewhere before. And zooming out completely...

Awwww yeah, it's Lego Colt. Put together by Chawan Cut. Pretty awesome. So don't question his fanhood! Here's the side-by-side with the pic he based it off of:

And if that wasn't enough, CC also made an H-lego.

Oh, and ladies, he's available. Wooooooooo!!!!

P.S. Here's his post on Sportshawaii, which has more pics.


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