UH vs Fresno State Highlights
ng96817 has uploaded 10 minutes worth of highlights from the Fresno game, including all touchdowns and field goals, Tua Mahaley's block, the phantom running-into-the-kicker penalty, etc.
Chawan Cut uploaded the entire overtime session, including a shot of Dan Kelly running up into the stands after kicking the game-winner. Awwwww.
Chawan Cut uploaded the entire overtime session, including a shot of Dan Kelly running up into the stands after kicking the game-winner. Awwwww.
At Monday, October 6, 2008 at 12:16:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
Can watch the video over and over again. Ice man is back. No think, just kick.
At Monday, October 6, 2008 at 1:12:00 PM HST,
Tombo Ahi said…
gotta say leahey's and yamanoha's call on the phantom running into the kicker penalty is pretty classic. i've watched that clip about 10 times already.
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