The Juggernaut
My dream of Jim Leahey calling Reagan Mauia "The Juggernaut" during a broadcast has gotten much closer to actually happening thanks to Scott from, who made an animation of Reagan morphing into The Juggernaut! You should go view it, it's pretty cool! This helps spread the word that Reagan's nickname is The Juggernaut, even though it's not true. Or at least not yet. After all, I think gets thousands of hits a day, and is increasingly influential. And it's a good chance that Jim Leahey is a reader. Or if not Jim, then perhaps Kanoa or Doug Vaioleti or Russell Yamanoha or somebody who knows Jim Leahey. Didn't he call a player "Snickers" one year? And nobody had heard of that nickname before Jim said it? He can do the same for Reagan! Once he says something, it is so. He won't be able to resist after Reagan knocks down seven defenders to score a touchdown, right?
"Brennan hands off to Mauia, who is met at the line by a sea of white. But hold on, Mauia is still going! He's pushing the pile back! And now Mauia breaks free! He knocks over one defender, two defenders! He's at the twenty, the fifteen, dragging defenders with him! They still can't bring him down! He stiff arms the cornerback, ten, five, TOUCHDOWN!!! Can you believe it!? Mauia, who is known as THE JUGGERNAUT, was certainly a massive inexorable force, crushing everything in its path, on that play! That was delicious!"It could happen. You gotta believe. Thanks Scott!
At Monday, May 1, 2006 at 12:52:00 AM HST,
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