Linkner, Camp Schedule, PPV, Season Tickets
The Star-Bulletin continues their Sunday Warrior profiles with a feature on receiver Dylan Linkner.
UH will be offering a 65% discount on a special football road game pay-per-view package for season ticket holders, as well as a price reduction in some season tickets.
Ferd Lewis writes that UH games will not be shown in HD this year, but may be sometime in the near future.
UH has a PDF with a list of the season ticket pricing.
AD Jim Donovan talks about striking a balance in pricing for tickets and PPV.
Dylan is a musician himself, taking on the rare double of football player and trombone player while at Kailua High School.Stephen Tsai has posted the August training camp schedule.
"I can say I'm knowledgeable about music. I'm not very good at singing. I played high school band, trombone. I felt I did pretty good in high school band, but nothing like I could come to college and play," he said. "Henry Fu, the band director, he understood I couldn't be good at everything.
UH will be offering a 65% discount on a special football road game pay-per-view package for season ticket holders, as well as a price reduction in some season tickets.
Fans purchasing season tickets by July 18 will be offered the five UH road pay-per-view telecasts for just $99, a savings of $181 from the $280 it would cost to purchase the telecasts individually. This special introductory offer for the five-game road pay-per-view package is available only to the UH season-ticket holder of record and season-ticket holders can activate any Oceanic account (does not have to be their home).Why July 18th? Well, John Fink asks you to Think About It.
John Fink, vice president and general manager of KFVE/KHNL, said, "I want to make it clear that after we beat Florida and then we beat Weber State the guy wants to buy the pay-per-view package and says I'm a season-ticket holder, (well), you don't get the discount any more."John Fink don't take no $%@# from nobody!
Ferd Lewis writes that UH games will not be shown in HD this year, but may be sometime in the near future.
UH has a PDF with a list of the season ticket pricing.
AD Jim Donovan talks about striking a balance in pricing for tickets and PPV.
"My main concern was that we come up with a package for the season-ticket holders, the people who actually fill the stadium for the home games, so they can watch the road games (live). I think $99 for all those road games is a great introductory rate," UH athletic director Jim Donovan said. "Secondly, we wanted to have something affordable (for home games), yet make you consider being a season-ticket holder. I think we're there. On a game-to-game basis, it's about the same (price)."Despite the economic downturn, season ticket sales as well as the money from corporate sponsorships are higher than last year.
UH said both areas, which are major sources of operating funds for the state's only Division I athletic program, are trending up. John McNamara, UH associate athletic director, said corporate sponsorships have already set a school record at $2.2 million in cash and $554,000 in trade and are poised to go higher.And finally, Lewis wonders why Donovan still doesn't have a contract.
Moreover, McNamara said, football season tickets, which are continuing, stand at approximately 24,500, nearly 2,000 more than last year. Last year UH had $2.1 million in cash corporate sponsorships and $421,595 in trade, McNamara said.
Somehow, it is hard to imagine that whatever is holding this up it could be Donovan asking for the moon. Especially when he knows UH doesn't have it.
More likely is that UH has taken crossing T's to some absurd lengths. Or, still smarting from the whole Herman Frazier episode and big bucks buyout, it is insisting on some curious contract language or clauses. If so, it needs to rethink the situation.
At Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 2:36:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
Good stuff tombo. glad to hear all of the good news. Now all we need is a hungry football team to win the close ones.
At Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 7:22:00 PM HST,
Anonymous said…
cant win why do we need ppv
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